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National Marrow Donor Program

Lambda Phi Epsilon works with the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) to save the lives of patients requiring bone marrow transplants. Additionally, the fraternity promotes awareness for leukemia and other blood disorders. Individuals who suffer from these types of illnesses depend on donors with similar ethnic backgrounds to find compatible bone marrow matches. Thus, the fraternity aims to register as many committed donors to the cause through local #BeTheMatch campaigns to increase the chances for patients to find a life-saving a donor.
In 1995, Evan Chen, a member of Theta Chapter at Stanford University, was diagnosed with leukemia. Their chapter, along with Evan’s friends, organized a joint effort to find a bone marrow donor. What resulted was the largest bone marrow typing drive in the history of the NMDP and Asian American Donor Program (AADP). In a matter of days, over two thousand people were typed into the bone marrow registry. A match was eventually found for Evan, but unfortunately by that time the disease had taken its toll on him and he passed away in 1996. In Evan’s memory, the flagship philanthropy for Lambda Phi Epsilon was established and the fraternity has been working with the organization from that point forward.
Every Lambda Phi Epsilon chapter works with non-profit organizations such as AADP, Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches, and the Cammy Lee Leukemia Foundation to hold marrow typing drives on their campuses to encourage Asians and other minorities to register as committed bone marrow and stem cell donors. Since the fraternity’s inception, Lambda Phi Epsilon has educated thousands of donors to commit to saving the life of a patient in need.


Lambda Phi Epsilon collaborates annually with the Be The Match Foundation to enlist new donors dedicated to saving lives of patients grappling with life-threatening blood cancer. Every Lambda Phi Epsilon chapter organizes a bone marrow registration drive on their respective campuses, aiming to broaden the spectrum of committed donors and raise funds to champion the mission of Be The Match. In solidarity with this cause, Lambda Phi Epsilon hosts the annual Shave-A-Lambda event, where participating teams compete to raise the most money and, as a reward, have all their hair shaved off in support of the foundation.
In tandem with these efforts, we actively engage with our campus community by conducting outreach initiatives to raise awareness about the Be The Match Foundation. Our mission includes educating people about the foundation's crucial work and encouraging them to join the registry. Through on-campus events and informational campaigns, we strive to inspire more individuals to become committed donors, contributing to the cause of saving lives through bone marrow donations.

Shave-A-Lambda 2022

Shave-A-Lambda 2023